" بهترین شعرها، متون ادبی و ترانه ها از نوسیندگان ایرانی و غیر ایرانی "
black-eye.blog.ir was registered 17 years 4 months ago. It is a sub-domain of blog.ir. It has a global Alexa ranking #1,197 and ranked 42th in Iran. black-eye.blog.ir receives about 1,543,265 unique visitors and 12,346,120 page views per day which should earn about $ 12,346.00/day from advertising revenue.Estimated site value is $ 13,333,680.00. According to SiteAdvisor, black-eye.blog.ir is safe to visit.Its web server is located in Iran, with IP address
Title: | چاوره ش |
Keywords: | چشم تو, بهار, چشم, چشمان تو, شمعدانی, شب بو, باران, پاییز, اردیبهشت, بهشت, زمستان, تابستان, فروردین, شکوفه, دریا, دلبر, یار, ماه, چشم هایش, عطر, انار |
Alexa Rank: | #1,197 |
Daily Revenue: | $ 12,346.00 | Daily visitors: | 1,543,265 | Daily Pageviews: | 12,346,120 | Google Analytics: | UA-82501833-1 |
Created: | 2007-09-25 |
Updated: | 2020-09-24 |
Registrar: | CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH d/b/a joker.com |
IP Address: | |
Host Location: | Iran |
Global Rank | 1,197 |
Delta | -69 |
Reach Rank | 1166 |
Country | Iran |
Rank in Country | 42 |
Host | Type | TTL | Extra |
black-eye.blog.ir | A | 600 |
IP: |
Domain | Rank |
motorsport.com | #1,198 |
collegeboard.org | #1,198 |
plus1.blog.ir | #1,198 |
violetrose.blog.ir | #1,198 |
affluent.blog.ir | #1,198 |
excelhome.blog.ir | #1,198 |
aallaamm.blog.ir | #1,198 |
generaltechnic.blog.ir | #1,198 |
shaghayegh313.blog.ir | #1,198 |
mohsenalavi.blog.ir | #1,198 |